
Y&R leads in Dubai Lynx shortlists

The majority of shortlists for this Wednesday’s Dubai Lynx awards have been released, with Y&R, JWT, Leo Burnett and Memac Ogilvy clocking up the most nominations.

Y&R Dubai has the highest number of shortlists in the print, print & poster craft, design, radio and direct categories, making it a front runner to retain its agency of the year title for a third year in row. In print alone it has 27 nominations for work for clients such as Land Rover, American Garden and Al Nisr Publishing.

JWT as a network leads the way in the film craft category, with nine nominations, just ahead of Leo Burnett Cairo on seven and Leo Burnett Beirut on six. JWT also leads in interactive with six and in media with 11, although due to the change in the rules this year it will not be able to win media agency of the year.

Memac Ogilvy heads up the outdoor category, while it shares top spot with Impact BBDO in PR, with four apiece.

The winners will be announced at the Dubai Lynx awards at the Madinat Jumeirah on Wednesday evening.


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  • A CSR fest and a ‘Copy’ fest is what Lynx has come down to? We thought things would get better after what happened 3 yrs back. How does the Dubai Lynx compliance department actually work? Not only have most of the awards that have been won been ‘fake’ work. One that is not for real clients or generating real revenue. But, some of them are also direct rip offs from other markets. It’s really surprising to not only see poor quality from the region, but also blatantly copied ideas. For example, two Golds awarded to Kinokuniya bookends (just google it up to see other examples of the same idea done in different markets such as Indonesia by Ogilvy again about Education) – how is that not cheating or copying from global ideas – other than the fact that it was a clear ‘proactive’ campaign???? Harvey Nichols ads continue to be obvious scams?? Some of the design winners esp. the Golds and the Grand Prix; i mean com’on Quint seems obviously created this year just for the awards. I haven’t seen any of the print winners in actual print/outdoor. Many entries were also rehashed from last year and still shortlisted. Stuff from Lebanon, from Dubai. Very disappointed in the judging, the quality control and the compliance at Lynx. it needs to award real creative work that’s been done for brands (whether effective or not because the effies are for that)

  • I blame the judges, Yasser. That’s why The One Show and in a way D@AD are still the awards to win. At least ONE juror at those awards would say, ‘hey, hasn’t this been done before?’ But how many ads that have been done before win at Cannes? Loads. And Lynx speaks for itself. These Lynx juries, supposedly our peers and I haven’t even heard of most of them, aren’t following the work. They seem to just be OK with the five-star accommodation and booze.

  • The entier Middle East is taking a step back due to political troubles and wars. We can’t expect things to get better in any other area. Yes it’s a unity, if you wonder.

  • The Middle East has had political troubles and wars longer than it has had ad agencies. Not sure what you’re on about mate.

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