
UAE’s Young Lions take home print silver

FP7’s Gautam Wadher and Akhilesh Dwarkadas have won silver in the Young Lions print competition at Cannes.

The Dubai team, which was representing the emirates after winning the UAE Young Lions in April, came second behind Nuno Teixeira and James Holman of TBWA\Singapore.

Forty-two international teams were involved in the competition and had to create a print ad for Control Arms, a global civil society alliance campaigning for a ‘bulletproof’ Arms Trade Treaty that will protect lives and livelihoods.

Wadher and Dwarkadas were flown on an all-expenses paid trip to Cannes by Motivate Group, hosts of the UAE Young Lions competition.

Last year DDB Dubai duo Josephine Younes and Nayaab Rais walked away with bronze.

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