
The future of adtech without cookies, a research by Fusion5

Fusion5 launches white paper which dives deep into the current dynamics at play and future implications of recent changes in data collection legalities & targeting audience segments.

For decades, the goal of any business organization is to understand their audience. Their aspirations, how they behave and interact with brands. In pursuit of this somewhere along the course, consumer privacy got compromised. On the flip side of where consumers would benefit from customized experiences and tailored messaging, a tremendous amount of data was being shuffled between data aggregators.

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Privacy concerns over political as well as commercial reasons have led the tech giants to make stringent policies to protect consumer data.

How will marketers respond to new data protection policies? With no more 3rd party cookies being allowed on google browsers from 2022, there has been a lot of speculation on its implications – which this paper will explore. It is time for brands to start preparing for these changes and start building and enriching the best form of data they can ever have – FIRST-PARTY DATA

Fusion5 latest paper investigates the current scenario of data privacy and cookie policies in place, along with consumers mindset when it comes to privacy concerns. Furthermore, it sheds light on the future of cookie data and its potential alternatives. However, the focus for us is to understand how brands can be agile and plan from now to be well prepared for the upcoming new changes.

It’s all about being less dependent on external signals and capitalize on internal resources and equip companies with segmented first-party data. It’s time to build and prepare and to be able to execute and use data when it is needed the most.

Get the white paper here

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