
Pfizer launches new health campaign

Image Credit: Pfizer

Pfizer has rolled out a new health campaign across the Gulf region to raise awareness on respiratory diseases and steps to take to help prevent severe illness. 

The ‘Know. Plan. Go.’ campaign focuses on three pillars “know if you or a loved one is at high risk for severe complications from viral respiratory infections,’ 

‘Plan with your healthcare professional in case you catch a viral infection’, and ‘Go to the doctor if you are experiencing symptoms to discuss suitable treatments for your illness’. 

Dr Nadine Tarcha, Pfizer’s Gulf Medical Director said: “By raising awareness for respiratory diseases in Gulf countries, we help individuals with knowledge about risks, symptoms, and prevention strategies. 

‘Know. Plan. Go.’ supports communities to make informed decisions, promotes early detection and treatment, and saves lives.”

Individuals with pre-existing chronic diseases need to have a plan for their healthcare needs to avoid progression into severe respiratory infections and disease prognosis. 

People with health conditions such as diabetes, heart or lung disease, high blood pressure, obesity, a weak immune system, or are aged 60 and above, might be at higher risk of severe complications from common viral respiratory infections such as a cold, flu or bronchiolitis

The plan includes knowing who to contact and where to go for treatment, keeping an up-to-date list of any medications taken including vitamins and supplements and sharing with the healthcare professional.

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