
Listen now! Campaign’s ‘On The Record’ Podcast – Marketing the occasion: social commerce at the busiest time of the year

Marketing the occasion: social commerce at the busiest time of the year

In this episode, Campaign’s editor Austyn Allison is joined by Shayan Rahimi, head of e-commerce at Snap, and Stan Brunais, head of marketing at Ounass. They explain how brands can leverage shopping season, the most active and competitive selling quarter of the year with dates such as Yellow Friday, Black November and end-of-year festivities, and how brands are using Snap innovatively to create a seasonal experience beyond the discounts.

Podcast in Anghami –> https://play.anghami.com/episode/1030392188


Host and script: Austyn Allison, editor, Campaign Middle East

Guests: Shayan Rahimi, head of e-commerce at Snap; Stan Brunais, head of marketing at Ounass

Editing: Georges ‘Josh’ Rouhana (Anghami) and Sofia Serrano

Production: Sofia Serrano

Hear hear! Connect your best set of headphones for Campaign’s next Online Briefing: Creativity you can Hear – Audio Storytelling, Targeting and the Future. Join us to find out how to use music, podcasts and more to make your brand sing.

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