
Listen now! Campaign’s ‘On The Record’ Podcast – Leadership Focus: Abdulaziz Al-Roomi

campaign podcast - abdulaziz al roomi

Episode name – Leadership Focus: Abdulaziz Al-Roomi 

In the latest episode of our On The Record With Campaign Middle East podcast, Campaign’s editor Austyn Allison is joined by Global Legacy founder Abdulaziz Al-Roomi, an author and thought leader in the fields of leadership and HR, to talk about leadership and people in all shapes and sizes of business.

Podcast on Anghami –> here 

Podcast on Spotify -> here

Podcast on Apple -> here

Host and script: Austyn Allison, editor, Campaign Middle East
Guest: Abdulaziz Al-Roomi, founder at Global Legacy and author
Editing: Ishwari Khatu
Production: Anghami

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