
Listen now! Campaign’s ‘On The Record’ Podcast – In conversation with Malcolm Gladwell

In conversation with Malcolm Gladwell

Campaign’s editor Austyn Allison is joined by best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell giving his views on staying creative through the years, new trends in media, technology, multiculturalism and the importance of personality in historical events.

Podcast in Anghami –> https://play.anghami.com/episode/1043233371

Podcast in Spotify –> https://open.spotify.com/episode/14glH0ACYcba9KReSO6inR?si=af8dfa5b18984ed6

Podcast in Apple –> https://podcasts.apple.com/ae/podcast/in-conversation-with-malcolm-gladwell/id1572426288?i=1000552417142

Host and script: Austyn Allison, editor, Campaign Middle East
Guests: Amr Chehab, head of agency development at Snap and Stuart Mackay, general manager of Reprise MENA
Editing: Anghami team, Austyn Allison and Sofia Serrano
Production: Sofia Serrano

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