
Industry snapshot: Natale Panella, Fusion 5

Natale Panella, head of digital, Fusion 5.

How will technology affect media in the next year?

With AI becoming more and more capable of finding customer needs and optimise towards return on advertising spend through feed automation, winning digital consumers during this phase of e-commerce growth will require elevated digital experiences, powerful display and video media, and the ability to engage consumers as they hop across digital channels on the path to purchase. Agencies must review their content offering and harness the right technologies to cater to brands’ short and long-term needs of acquiring consumers through e-commerce.

How is the role of your agency changing?

We are positioning as a holistic partner with our clients, combining CRM, e-commerce, analytics and ad-serving technologies to provide integrated marketing solutions for brands pursuing e-commerce digital transformation models. We are building a specialised team to drive the e-commerce transformation, bringing a legacy of strong experience in the required primary skills (AI, UX, data management, logistics), while our broader teams are being equipped in terms of general knowledge, best practices and consultative skills to drive the clients’ change.

How are your clients changing?

Our clients are adapting their digital marketing tactics to address shifts in consumers’ online behaviours, but they struggle to harness their customer data effectively. With the advent of Web3 and new tracking frameworks in place, privacy and transparency are essential, and consumers need to express permission to share their data and know where it is being used and stored. We built skills and capabilities to design customised data-led customer strategies with first-party data, and our focus has shifted from delivering digital efficiencies to delivering commercial results and measurable growth.

What will be the biggest challenges in the year ahead, and how will you tackle them?

With the volume of data in the world constantly expanding and businesses establishing their presence on multiple platforms, data warehousing and marketing intelligence become highly correlated. With data warehousing and automation partnering together, analysing data and making data analytics as part of the initial strategy becomes easier than ever, empowering teams to make the most of their business data. Through full automation, flexibility is a huge advantage achieved; the big savings are in the use of resources and project speed. We can deliver those data-driven results far quicker and using less of the most precious commodity of all, manpower.

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