AnghamiCase StudyFeatured

GMC launches the 2021 Yukon with Anghami and DMS

GMC launched the 2021 Yukon in GCC. An immersive audio campaign ran on Anghami to promote the launch.

The challenge was to entice enough user curiosity on GMC’s re-launched Yukon nameplate, that would nudge users to visit GMC showrooms to check out the car.

  • This task was made more challenging by the reduced mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic.


  • Spread awareness of 2021 Yukon.
  • Evoke user curiosity on GMC’s re-launched Yukon
  • Nudge users to visit GMC showrooms to check out the car.


  • Immersive Audio Ads were used on Anghami. Campaign ran from Jan’21 to Mar’21.
  • DMS Data team conducted Footfall Attribution exercise in KSA, in addition to a BLS.


CG Data team measured the effectiveness of the campaign through a Footfall Attribution exercise (using a leading GPS tech partner).

This solution also helps uncover the profile of audience visiting client showrooms, and these crucial insights can easily feed into client’s retargeting strategy. 


  • Observation: The 3-month long campaign on Anghami resulted in a high volume of showroom visits at +8.5% KSA uplift over the control group.
  • Furthermore, the campaign increased the AWARENESS and FAVORABILITY for the new launch in the market (2x growth).
  • The campaign was targeted towards Males 30 years+ and succeeded in capturing their attention.
  • Outcome footfall attribution:
    The campaign’s impact exceeded the benchmarks 5% uplift vs control group 0.24 visit index (benchmark: 0:10) Double-digit cost per visit
  • Outcome brand lift: upper and mid-funnel uplifts observed
    114% increase in awareness (2x uplift)
    121% increase in favorability (2.2x uplift)

Loulwa Sleiman

GMC – Brand Advertising Manager

“Identifying the right partner was key to making this activity a success by taking immersive audio ads to the next level with tracking capabilities.”


John Ekambi

Carat – Partnership Director

“Our partners at DMS have understood and supported our ambition to unlock tech and data opportunities to drive media and business outcome.”



Eddy El Abyad: DMS – Industry Director

“Driving awareness through immersive audio ads allowed for deeper engagement and stronger brand association. This resulted in visits to the GMC showroom that were quantified with an attribution study. This showcases the importance of building awareness and association especially when aiming at generating leads.”

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