When: February (TBC)
Campaign’s next Online Briefing will be: Adtech 2022. The panel discussion in this online event will share insights on the future of adtech in the media industry.
FLoC-to-Topics. Google has recently shifted the plan behind its Privacy Sandbox from FLoC to Topics. If that makes sense to you, you are exactly the sort of person who should be attending to find out more about the shift, and if you don’t know what it means you probably should, so come along anyway.
Web3. Keen to know about blockchain and how it will affect the internet. Our Web3 panel the place to discuss NFTs and crypto. Find out what Web3 is, what cypto is, and what it means for the industry. Will the industry soon be using blockchain to plan and pay for media? Join us to find out.
The metaverse. What does everyone think the metaverse is? And what sort of adtech will need to sit behind brands’ presence on it? We look not only at the futurist here’s-how-it-could-look aspect, but also address the more practical question of how brands will plan and buy media in the metaverse, how they will get their creative into the metaverse and in what form, and how they will measure success.
Data strategy for the new age. Our experts look at the latest thinking on how to handle data and personalization as third-party cookies are phased out.
Come along for all this and more.