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Coca-Cola says #LiveNowShareLater

Online film was conceptualised by Memac Ogilvy Dubai.

The online film from Coca-Cola which went live before the end-of-year holidays addresses those who spend too much time online. It appeals to them to live out the joyful moments in real life. It does so by juxtaposing activities common on social media like ‘follow’, ‘like’ and the like, onto real life moments. ‘Let’s follow @life’, ‘Snap real moments and save them forever’, ‘Let’s post more’, ‘Tag our friends’, ‘Set up circles’, ‘Have group chats’, ‘Pin and re-pin memories’, ‘Let’s like more’, ‘Comment more’, ‘LOL more’ and ‘Let’s ROFL’ are capped off by the message #LiveNowShareLater.


Creative agency: Memac Ogilvy Dubai

Executive creative director: Ramzi Moutran

Creative director / director: Sascha Kuntze

Account director: Tarek Shawki

DoP: Mihai Marius Apopei

Agency producer: Amin Soltani

Designer: Diana AlZubeidi

Production company: Mitra Film

Media agency: UM MENA

Media director: Imad Abi Rizk

Social director: Khaldoun Zaghir

Digital manager: Ricardo Perez Campo

Media executive: Khalid Hamadeh

Google News

1 Comment

  • I think the most important concept behind this commercial is that the modern world is too caught up in the social media aspects of staying in touch. No one really experiences anything worth talking about anymore without taking multiple pictures or telling their friends via online post. When it shows the older man running through the group of birds, it emphasizes how simple the concept is to just unplug and look around and enjoy life’s precious and often isolated moments. For what it’s worth, I believe that the generation of millenials that are consumed in their phones and laptops 24/7 will indeed miss some of life’s important lessons and not fully enjoy moments that are particularly distinct and/or joyous. People will soon begin to realize that socializing in person has become almost a lost aspect of life. Coke appeals to the consumer by touching the emotion that is synonymous with familial values and smile-inducing occurences.

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