
Campaign’s PR to Watch 2023 – Gazala Parker, PR Executive, Matrix PR

Campaign’s PR to Watch 2023 – Gazala Parker, PR Executive, Matrix PR

Age: 22

Nominated by Krishika Mahesh, PR & Social Media Manager:
Gazala has been an asset to Matrix PR since the time she joined the team. Her positive attitude, pro-activeness, and high degree of diligence have empowered her growth from an intern to PR Executive.

Her attitude to overcome challenges and willingness to learn and take on new initiatives is indeed very impressive. She has a unique ability to observe and follow instructions and is a hard-working individual who knows how to get the job done quickly and effectively. She always puts in the extra effort to meet tight deadlines and complete her tasks.

She has found her feet really quickly and is constantly using feedback to improve herself. She applies her learnings practically and is always looking to add value to clients, media and the team.

Gazala is strategic, creative and always delivers results. Managing and working with Gazala is a highly rewarding experience. She definitely has all the right ingredients that will take her a long way to achieve great success in her career in PR and communication.

Career highlights

I am Gazala, a passionate learner and a PR executive with Matrix PR. I started my journey as an intern at Matrix PR in 2022. With a degree in Management and PR from Murdoch University Dubai, I have always strived to make the world my textbook, learning from every possibility.

My curious mindset has led me to explore beyond the ordinary, unlocking my creative side and earning recognition as Runner Up for MEPRA National Student Creative Challenge 2021 and MEPRA student competition 2022, and PRCA student competition 2022 winner.

All in all, I am a curious learner with a deep passion for delivering change.

Guiding principles

My guiding principle has always been to never stop learning and to strive to know everything I can. I believe in being a “jack of all trades” and constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences to grow both personally and professionally.

Side hustle

A university project helped me unlock the creative and challenging side of the entrepreneurship world, and since then, I have been passionate about innovation and exploring new possibilities. You will find me attending entrepreneurship boot camps at every opportunity, hacking new ideas, and learning from my peers.

Go back to main article: Campaign’s PR Faces to Watch 2023

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