
Campaign’s Faces to Watch, Brand Edition 2021 – Kajal Ramchandani, Media, Social Media and Retail Advertising Section Manager, International Markets, INFINITI Middle East

Campaign’s Faces to Watch, Brand Edition 2021 – Kajal Ramchandani, Media, Social Media and Retail Advertising Section Manager, International Markets, INFINITI Middle East

Age: 28

Nominated by Nassima El-Mounfalouti, Deputy General Manager Marketing, International Markets

I have been working with Kajal for almost a year now, she is a great asset to the team since day one, Kajal has always shown a hardworking attitude, and she is always happy to go the extra mile to provide irreproachable work. She has the energy and the dynamism to refresh her traditional mindset. Her extensive knowledge of automotive gives her the ability to be strategic as well as tackling operational issues keeping in mind the business objective of INFINITI. She is, what I can call, a real multi-tasker as she can handle media and creative subjects as well as data topics as she has a great understanding of data-led, performance planning. From a personal standpoint, she is very easy-going, sweet and a true team player.


Born and bred in Dubai, I started my career by interning and freelancing at various agencies ranging from press, advertising and events. My automotive journey started with Leo Burnett, managing the General Motors account. Due to my increasing interest in automotive, I decided to explore the marketing side of it, which is when I landed up a job with Groupe PSA (now Stellantis); I got great exposure and the chance to handle creative, media, PR, website management and social media. This experience in turn contributed to getting me my current role with my “dream company” INFINITI, within the marketing department.

Guiding principles

Focusing on the full picture. Marketing no more is just about advertising, as many of us already know. It is an integrated part of every department of an organization, taking care of the complete consumer journey – right from the point consumer learns about the brand to be a loyalist

How has Covid-19 changed your job?

Covid had initially changed automotive consumer behaviour to go for leasing options vs buying a car. Recently, consumers have opened up to buying, by spending a lot more time researching online before buying a car. We had to be constantly strategically agile to cater to current consumers’ needs, eg we worked with our dealers to implement a Virtual Showroom that enables our consumers to visit the showroom from the comfort of their home.

Side hustle

Trying out new restaurants, spending hours playing board games and dancing takes a lot of my time, but my main side hustle is being a daughter, wife, sister and daughter-in-law.

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Instagram – sokajal


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