
Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Aman Aswani, Business Intelligence Executive, Publicis Media

Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Aman Aswani, Business Intelligence Executive, Publicis Media

Age: 30

Nominated by Muhammad Omer, Business Intelligence Lead:
Aman is an exceptional talent in Business Intelligence, known for his exceptional skills and creativity in delivering end-to-end solutions.

Throughout his career, Aman has demonstrated a keen eye for detail and a strong commitment to quality, which has earned him the trust and respect of our clients. His ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and clients makes him a valuable asset to any project.

Overall, Aman is an exceptional employee and a valuable asset to Publicis.

Career highlights

Aman is a rising star in Business Intelligence and Data Engineering field. He began his career as a Data Analyst in 2018 and quickly progressed to a BI Developer’s role.

Aman has successfully delivered end-to-end Data Engineering and Business Intelligence solutions for clients, including Majid-Al-Futtaim, P&G, Saudia Airlines, Alula, Stellantis, McDonald’s, and Yass Island. His expertise in integrating data sources has been critical in providing these clients with valuable insights.

Aman is highly motivated to learn and excel, a pleasant colleague who wears a smile and is enjoyable to work with – a valuable asset to any team.

Guiding principles

Self-confidence, honesty, courage, and a passion for learning are crucial principles for personal growth. They establish trust, encourage risk-taking, and facilitate overcoming challenges. By living with these principles, individuals can lead a fulfilling life with a sense of responsibility and give back to society.

Go back to main article: Campaign’s Digital Faces to Watch 2023

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