

Nominated by Sami Salameh, senior account director, Apco Worldwide
“Eman was a core member of the team that created and launched an awareness campaign to spread knowledge of the devastating impacts of climate change and how they affect each and every one of us on a personal level. The campaign was endorsed by Academy Award winners and international superstars and has yielded more than 140 million impressions worldwide across social media platforms over the past two years. The campaign attracted worldwide media attention and was featured in several global media outlets. She was also was a part of the official UAE delegation participating at the 73rd UNGA in New York, COP 22 in Marrakech, COP 23 Fiji in Bonn, and COP 24 in Katowice, where she delivered outstanding performance in terms of promoting the clients’ key messages, advocating their agenda and advancing worldwide awareness of pressing global issues such as climate action and sustainability. Her commitment and work ethic were exemplary and she managed to tick every box and impress those working with her.”

Career path
Leaving the world of architecture (as a graduate of architecture and interior design) and jumping into PR to follow her passion wasn’t the easiest thing, but she took a leap of faith and it paid off. She started off as a shy, quiet and timid account executive at Apco Worldwide in 2015 and, over the course of four years, with the continuous support of her team and “awesome” managers, she has progressed to be an outspoken, risk-taking, experienced and skilled PR and digital professional. From being seconded to one account to managing multiple big-name accounts and now working with a major client and traveling the world to advocate their messages and goals, it’s genuinely a dream come true for Eman.

Guiding principles
When she first started her PR/digital journey with Apco, Eman didn’t follow any principle but just adopted a “do it as it comes” kind of approach. Now, she’s a firm believer of the below:
If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life; time management is essential; prioritising tasks is key; delegate, delegate, delegate; passion is the ultimate driver of success; respect, gratitude and positivity will take you a long way.
Some of the above were learned the “hard way” as they say, and some were passed on to her by some of the most impactful leaders and managers at Apco, and she’s forever grateful to them.

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