
Campaign ME to host ‘Online Briefing – TV 2021: Changing Channels’

Campaign’s next Online Briefing takes on a giant: television advertising. Until the advent of digital it formed the undisputed elder statesman of regional marketing communications. Now smart thinking and new technologies have taught this old medium some fresh tricks. At the free-to-attend virtual event, two panels of experts analyse the growth from yesterday’s to today’s best practices in television advertising and chart that trajectory into the future.

2:00 – 2:45 pm – Panel 1: Getting results

Remember aerials? Remember cable? Satellite dishes? DVDs and VHS and Betamax? Today you are as likely to watch television using an OTT (over-the-top) or VOD (video on demand) service as through traditional ‘linear’ transmissions. And ‘TV’ can mean your laptop or mobile phone as often as the traditional black box in your living room.

This splintering of the viewing experience leads to new challenges when it comes to grabbing viewer attention and shifting consumer behaviours. But it also presents fresh opportunities, as there has never been so much data available about people’s viewing habits.

Our first panel looks at how an integrated approach to media planning based on solid measurement and data analytics can expand the role of TV beyond awareness campaigns, to have direct and measurable results on consumer purchase behaviour.

2:45 – 3:30 pm – Panel 2: The winning formula

Television advertising has moved a long way beyond the 30-second spot. But do the same keys to success still apply? Campaign gathers experts in TV advertising to find the factors that have made the best adverts of all time both memorable and effective. We see which ingredients are still essential to great TV advertising, which have been replaced, and what the new magic recipe looks like today.

Join our experts to find out how to influence customers throughout the marketing funnel, and how to gather and analyse the data to make modern TV advertising ever more efficient and effective. We analyse and explain what worked before, what works now and how it all fits together.

The virtual event is free to attend and can be viewed from any screen.

Registration link: http://response.campaignme.com/tv-2021


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