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Call for nominations – media and PR Faces to Watch 2019

Call for nominations – media and PR Faces to Watch 2019

Are you or one of your colleagues a rising star in PR or media?

Campaign is  looking for nominations for our 2019 Faces to Watch.

We are looking for nominations for rising stars in your agency aged 30 or under on 30 April.

Who will you nominate?

They can’t have been featured in our Faces to Watch in previous years.

They have to be nominated by someone in senior management, and that manager can only nominate one person.

For each nomination we will need:

  1. Name
  2. High-res photo
  3. Job title
  4. Are you nominating for PR or Media? (We have one list of faces to watch for each – creative and digital are closed). Please pick one, and only one).
  5. Age (on 30 April 2019)
  6. (From nominator; 25-100 words): Why this person should be considered for our list. What have the contributed to the company, the their clients, to the industry to make them stand out? Specific examples are better than general platitudes. So “Over the 18 months that Nomination X led the account team for Client A, that client’s revenues doubled, and the CEO personally named her as one of the key reasons” rather than “Nomination A is dedicated and brings her whole self to work and is a team player…” Concrete examples of awesomeness are always better.
  7. (From nominee; 25-100 words): Summary of career path so far. Include previous roles, and also mention committees, etc. that you sit on, prizes you’ve won, etc.
  8. (From nominee; 25-100 words) What rules/principles (minimum one; maximum three) do you try to follow at work, that you would pass on to someone coming into the industry? And (optional) who did you learn them from? (These can be sensible or serious; general or specific).

We will need nominations by the end of this week – Thursday, April 4.

Email [email protected]

We can’t guarantee inclusion in our final list, due to space constraints. But we’ll do our best. Good luck!

Let us know if you have any questions.

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