
Call for nominations: Faces to Watch 2023 – Brand Edition

We are now accepting nominations for Campaign’s Faces to Watch 2023 to profile the brightest and best young talent aged 30 and under, working client-side under marketing, communication, digital and social media management.

We can accept nominations from agencies working with the clients, or from senior managers within the client organisation.

Please find the nomination form in the below link. Kindly fill in the fields within the word limit requested and kindly attach a high res pic (above 500kb) for your nomination to be selected. The results will be out in Campaign’s June 26th  issue. The final deadline for submission is be 8th June 2023.  We will not be able to take any nominations after that, so get yours in now.

Click here to enter.


For any further enquires, please email:  [email protected] and [email protected]. For reference, to view our last year’s Brands Faces to Watch, please visit here.

We look forward to seeing the wealth of talent gearing up to lead marketing into the future.

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