
Anghami announces the Ramadan 2021 trend report for marketers

The Ramadan 2021 trend report is made to help marketers understand the reality of the MENA consumer and plan better for the Holy month, catered by Anghami.

For the 2nd year in a row, marketers are finding themselves having to thrive in uncertainty. Covid 19’s new reality has made planning for Ramadan – the month of unity & togetherness – more challenging than ever.

While Covid-19 restrictions are still in place, our Anghami community is looking forward to the Holy month and is planning on living the Ramadan rituals while being socially responsible.

Our Ramadan 2021 trend report is made to help marketers understand the reality of the MENA consumer and plan better for the Holy month. In this article you’ll find some of the most interesting insights.

Do you sell online? Chances are you do. Join us on March 17th at Campaign Online Briefing event on E-commerce 2021 – Acquisition and Retention to find out how to acquire and retain customers in the fast-changing world of modern e-commerce.


This Ramadan, our community is planning to gather with Family & Friends while respecting all restrictions.

They will be cooking at home – most of the time.

And will order food from time to time. They plan on going out to restaurants as well.

When it comes to shopping, they will be buying offline & online.

They always find time to take care of their beauty, even during Ramadan.

When it comes to video entertainment, 71 per cent of our community will be using video-on-demand platforms.

All this is mainly to tell you that

  • Ramadan is a big season so make sure your brand is part of their journey
  • Own the right moments and make them memorable
  • Entertain & inspire: Give them ideas on what to cook, what to buy, where to buy from, where to go, how to stay healthy…
  • Make them feel safe. They will be celebrating, they will be buying and they will be going out – all while being careful
    • Ex: Highlight your product/services safety measures

We’re here to support, reach out to us at [email protected]

Your friends at Anghami

Full report:

Arabic: Ramadan 2021 on Anghami AR

English: Ramadan 2021 on Anghami EN

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