
Pizza Hut steps into the metaverse with latest campaign

Pizza Hut and Publicis Middles East have introduced an ’Fun 4 All’ deal along with their first steps into the metaverse. 

Fun 4 All is an offering that brings families and groups together with a variety of meal choices.

The first Pizza Hut metaverse experience into Roblox The Hut is inspired by the efforts of the brands fans and Roblox users who have been supporting the brand by creating their own pizza experience in Roblox. 

The brand and agency brought pizza and Roblox fans together to celebrate their love for pizza through an adventure set in a virtual Pizza Hut world.

In The Hut, fans will be able to explore the virtual Pizza Hut world, wearing exclusive pizza-themed merchandise, while hunting out ingredients to create their favourite pizzas.They will get rewarded with badges, power-ups and other prizes.

Before entering the experience, users will have the opportunity to dress up their Roblox avatars in exclusive pizza-themed costumes and accessories, including cheese and tomato onesies, tomato helmets and pepperoni glasses.

Ahmed Sabri, Marketing Lead at Pizza Hut Middle East & Pakistan, said: “For years, we have seen many of our fans having their go at creating their own unique pizza experiences on Roblox, replicating the Pizza Hut identity. 

“With the launch of The Hut into Roblox, we want to honour the efforts of our superfans and deliver what they have been hoping for, giving them a chance to virtually experience the Pizza Hut world and share their love for pizza.”

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